I temporarily misplaced my camera when I made this dish, so I had to borrow a picture from
Yes, I know I have not blogged in a while... please forgive my crazy life! One day I will blog as much as I want, but that's just not going to happen for a little while.
On to today's yummy dinner idea. The word "yummy" sometimes goes along with the word "healthy," but not in this case. I would like to tell you this meal is a no fat no calorie dish.... but I want to keep some credibility here. In all reality, you should probably only eat this once every 2 years.
This is such a fun way to eat dinner. I'm considering inviting friends over to hang out just so we can make it again. Or, maybe I'll do chocolate!
What You'll need:
2 c. Gruyere cheese, shredded
2 c. Swiss cheese, shredded
3 tbsp. flour
2 tsp. garlic powder
3/4 c. chicken broth
1/2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
Ok, here's what you do:
1. Mix it all together in a fondue pot (or microwave, then put it in a fondue pot)
Whew, aren't you glad that's over!
Ok, now here is the hard part:
2. Dice up your favorite apples into bite-sized cubes
3. Slice kielbasa sausage
4. Slice your favorite French bread
Now dip the goodies into the cheesy goodness. Be sure to share with a friend!
We also added broccoli and asparagus.
What do you dip into your fondue?
From my tiny kitchen to yours!